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What is FBC Teens? We're glad you asked!

The FBC Teens ministry exists to help teens know and embrace truth in a culture full of confusion and lies. Each week, our teens from 7th to 12th grade come together to strengthen their faith, meet new friends, create lasting memories, and grow in their relationship with God.

Sunday mornings at 9:30am we have our Sunday school hour where we are studying how to give Biblical answers to some of life's tough questions. We break up into two groups and are taught by our FBC teen leadership team.

Wednesday nights during the school year at 7pm, we meet for an hour to study practical truths from the Bible on what it means to be a Biblical man and a Biblical woman.

Teen Leaders - Jake & Leanna Knaus

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Our youth staff and volunteers are committed to helping you navigate your teen years with Biblical courage and wisdom. Regardless of where you may be on your walk with the Lord, we invite you to learn more about Him on a personal level and see for yourself the difference He will make in your life.

We believe that church should be enjoyed, not endured. Every week, you’ll be able to participate in our weekly Bible studies where you’ll connect with friends, learn practical truths that will help you navigate life, and have a great time while you’re doing it. But it doesn’t stop there! Crazy activities, summer camps, and epic conferences are just a few ways you can connect and grow throughout the year.

Trust us, you won’t want to miss out!

We keep our calendar (as seen above) very up-to-date, so this is your first point of reference for all FBC Teen events! When registering for an event, there will be a form on the appropriate event to fill out.

If you want info to come right to your phone, then we also highly recommend that teens AND parents make a Telegram account so that we can include you in our small group texts! This platform is where we send last-minute reminders and keep in touch throughout the week. Let us know if you've made an account and we'll send you the invitation to join the group.

If you have a Bible, we encourage you to bring it so that you can follow along as we learn together! If you don’t own one, then we have plenty to share and are happy to give you one!

At FBC, we believe that teens are vital to the church. 

Our youth group's ultimate goals are to glorify God and to help prepare them for their next stage of life (young adulthood) and we desire to have that purpose behind everything we do. (I Corinthians 10:31) 

The goal for the teen class is to coincide with what they are learning at home to help them be the best Christians they can be when they graduate high school.

The purpose of FBC Teens is…

  • To work together with parents to help teenagers become mature Christians. We want the teens to implement what they are learning in the class at home so that they will be better teens in the home with parents and siblings.
    2 Timothy 3:17, Proverbs 22:6
  • To help them grow in Christ and to come alongside the parents and encourage their teens to develop their own personal walk with God.
    2 Peter 3:18, Ephesians 4:14
  • To help them see that they don’t have to wait to become adults or graduate before they can serve the Lord.
    Galatians 5:13, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4:10-11, Ephesians 4:16, Matthew 20;27-28, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
  • Encouraging each other, building godly friendships, fellowship
    Hebrews 10:24-25, Proverbs 27:17

By teaching practical and eternal principles from the Word of God
2 Timothy 3:15-4:2 (what we teach), 2:22 (how we live)

Our heart behind having a code of conduct is to provide an environment where all teens and leaders are supported, safe, and respected. We believe everyone is accountable for their actions and that one way we can demonstrate love for each other is by respecting these guidelines. (Romans 12:1-2)

  • RESPECTING LEADERS | Teens are responsible for honoring those in authority by following rules and directions as given and leading by example among their peers.
  • LANGUAGE | Teens are responsible for demonstrating respect for others through their use of appropriate language, and avoiding profanity, slurs, or degradation of others through verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • BEHAVIOR TOWARDS OTHERS | Teens are responsible for their actions and will not harass, intimidate, or bully others.
  • ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES | Teens are not permitted to use or be in possession of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, nicotine, or other substances illegal for minors at FBC Teens events.
  • DRESS CODE POLICY | Teens are expected to wear appropriate clothing that adheres to the dress code: No undergarments showing and no exposed midriff.
  • PROPERTY | Teens are responsible for respecting FBC property and event properties.
  • PARTICIPATION | Teens are expected to participate in all scheduled activities during weekly classes, activities, events, and retreats (e.g. meal times, teaching sessions, game times, etc.), and will stay with the group until dismissed by a leader or the event concludes.
  • RELATIONSHIPS | Teens are expected to refrain from public displays of affection during FBC Teen events.

Steps taken if Code of Conduct is not followed: 

  • Conversation with your FBC Teen leader
  • Conversation with the Pastor Andrew and your parent/guardian
  • Being sent home from an FBC Teen event, with your parents/guardian being called to pick you up
  • Suspension from future FBC Teen events

We want your teen to be a part of every activity we have throughout the year. To help, we have a points system that they can use to cover the cost of activities that are not free. If you'd like more info on the points system, contact one of the Teen leaders.

This point system is designed to help our teens grow as Christians. The spiritual rewards you receive for these things far surpass the physical rewards! These points will be kept on a continual basis. The points can be exchanged for monetary value ONLY for teen activities. You can use these points when we do activities, retreats, camps or conferences. It will be your responsibility to decide which activities you wish to use your points on. Each point is worth $0.028 which makes a possible total of about $15-$20 per month.

NONE of this is required of you! If you are not in a teen CLASS for 6 weeks we will stop keeping track of your points and you will lose any accumulated points. When you begin attending class again we will restart your point count.

  • Attendance: 5-10 points
    • There will be 10 points given for each class attended and 5 for each service. This will apply to all Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday nights, as well as revivals/mission conference services.
  • Notes on preaching: 10 points
    • Taking notes will help you better understand and focus on what is being taught during a service. You can also keep these notes to reference sometime later. You get 10 points for all services. You also receive these points if you are serving in a ministry (nursery, helping in a class, sound room, etc) during service.  Simply mark what services you are taking notes or serving on the daily devotion slips and turn them in at the beginning of Sunday School.
  • Memory Verse: 20 points
  • Visitors: 50 points
    • We encourage you to invite friends your age to come to our class but you will also receive the points if you bring older/younger friends, neighbors, or family members. To receive the points it must be someone who does not already come to our church that is part of our bus ministry already.
  • Bible and class worksheets/books: 10 points
    • These points are received when you bring your Bible and any workbook or worksheets we might be using to class.
  • Bible reading/devotions: 30 points
    • Just fill out a “FBC TEENS PERSONAL DAILY DEVOTIONS” sheet and turn it in at the beginning of Sunday School. Please let us know if you ever need suggestions or ideas on a good devotion or Bible reading schedule..
  • Class participation: up to 10 points
    • This is to help encourage you to get involved in class as well as encouraging you to step out of “comfort zones”. Some of our best learning/growing takes place out of these “comfort zones”. These points depend on how active you are in class. We look for answering questions and giving ideas, reading passages, filling in blanks or taking notes, following along while others are reading, praying in class, getting involved in games, and singing in class.
Evangelist Chase Williams answers questions that were brought during the 2024 Teen Explosion.